
a place where i let my thoughts out, may be NSFW.

[RSS] feed is available.

junko 2023-11-28 07:13:20 #1701155600 [SHARE] [music, youtube]

forgot about this masterpiece

junko 2023-11-25 21:03:01 #1700946181 [SHARE] [programming, vlang, drama, l-m]

looking at V discord channel, seems like theres some kind of drama going on there.
kinda sad that 2 of the big guys left. almost feels like the language itself is about to die, i hope not.
the language is genuinely cool. while they overpromised lots of stuff, the language itself does work as a programming language and thats good enough for me.
seems like its not for other people, oh well.
praying for my man l-m over there at me.l-m.dev, he did a lot of work on the language's web assembly stuff recently :<<

junko 2023-11-25 20:59:01 #1700945941 [SHARE] [music, youtube]

absolute banger

junko 2023-11-16 15:26:57 #1700148417 [SHARE] [gif, random]
file: wtf-is-this.gif [file/gif]

this gif is so fucked up what the fuck

junko 2023-11-10 13:08:40 #1699621720 [SHARE] [irl, chunithm, rhythm-game]
file: chunithm.jpg [file/jpg]

arcade nearby my place installed chunithm, fun shit.

junko 2023-11-04 11:34:40 #1699097680 [SHARE] [irl, figurines, hatsune-miku, axccel, friend]
file: miku-figurines.jpg [file/jpg]

yeaaahhh 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

junko 2023-10-26 05:08:40 #1698296920 [SHARE] [irl, fnaf, movie]
file: fnaf-gangnam-style.gif [file/gif]

watched the fnaf movie, its OK.

junko 2023-10-25 07:08:40 #1698217720 [SHARE] [irl, maimai, lividi, rhythm-game]
file: maimai-lividi.jpg [file/jpg]

love me some maimai

junko 2023-10-15 09:56:40 #1697363800 [SHARE] [irl, figurine, ram, rezero, lewd]
file: ram.webp [file/webp]

e-e.eerotic... 😳😳😳

junko 2023-09-10 03:35:05 #1694316905 [SHARE] [exploit, university]

>Figured out how to exploit my uni's wifi for free.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Kill wlan0 for abit.
sudo networkctl down wlan0

# Change mac address (temporarily)
sudo macchanger -r wlan0

# Revive the shit.
sudo networkctl up wlan0

# Get the new macaddr value
new_mac=$(ifconfig wlan0 | grep --color=never  -oE '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}')  

# Activate the shit the shit.
echo "Opening trial activator thingamajig."
xdg-open "https://wifi.aeronet.com.my/login?username=T-${new_mac^^}"

Turns out, my uni's PAID wifi trial didn't really check for mac addresses properly, so I can do goofy shit like this and get free wifi without paying. very cool.

junko 2023-08-01 19:53:17 #1690919597 [SHARE] [programming, music, vlang, midi, depressing]
file: depressing.mp4 [file/mp4]

most depressing midi player

junko 2023-07-23 01:28:43 #1690075723 [SHARE] [game, blue-archive, ui-kozeki]
file: ui-blue-archive.gif [file/gif]

gave blue archive a try as a joke and i ended up actually playing the game, the lore is actually good what the fuck.
ui my beloved.

junko 2023-07-17 16:22:44 #1689610964 [SHARE] [update]
file: sneaky-fuck.png [file/png]

how the fuck did i not see that

junko 2023-07-17 16:16:05 #1689610565 [SHARE] [update]
file: blog-sh.png [file/png]

one less .sh file for creating post, amazing.

junko 2023-07-15 16:54:14 #1689440054 [SHARE] [update, junko]
file: Junko_drill.webp [file/webp]

new sorting style (l-m inspired), not sure if i like this one, we'll see. gonna give it a week or two.

junko 2023-07-15 16:14:37 #1689437677 [SHARE] [spotify, tracking, ads, bloatware, update]

>that tracking
Replaced Youtube's embed with a simpler no-js no-bullshit one, fuck off google.
>green text is a thing now

junko 2023-07-07 17:12:05 #1688749925 [SHARE] [losing-my-fucking-mind, asmr, life]
file: aimoto-rinku-listening-to-music.gif [file/gif]

god bless asmr for existing, really need it in these hard times.

junko 2023-06-25 21:27:18 #1687728438 [SHARE] [pakb, bdsm, inside-joke, discord, ai]
file: RinaAI_History.png [file/png]

here's some inside joke that no one else will get, to be continued.

junko 2023-06-25 18:58:38 #1687719518 [SHARE] [meta, l-m, reference, spotify, screenshot]
this is so meta lmao
check out their site too, amazing stuff there.
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