
a place where i let my thoughts out, may be NSFW.

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junko 2024-07-26 13:14:14 #1721999654 [SHARE] [life, random, uni, list]
file: lainlain.png [file/png]

things to do when my uni starts.

  • pay the debt i have with the two people i owe it to
  • lessen my arcade game time
  • explore the city more and dont rotmaxxing all day
  • dont interact with a menhera ever again
  • quit all the useless clubs
  • enjoy life with me and myself only
junko 2024-07-24 06:30:33 #1721802633 [SHARE] [life, update, banks, rant]

had to update my bank details recently, because their service is so dogshit that i had to go there irl and fill shit out, manually, on a piece of paper... what a shit bank.

junko 2024-07-16 23:02:06 #1721170926 [SHARE] [life, thoughts]

i've been looking at my local train's map recently...

kinda cool how i can just take one and just end up at the other side of the country...

maybe i should do that, who knows, it might fix whatever the fuck is wrong with me. just going balls out to fucking nowhere by myself, alone, experiencing the world.

junko 2024-07-13 13:32:45 #1720877565 [SHARE] [life, update, working]
file: tomocute.png [file/png]

this working thing is great and all but i feel like im slaving myself here lmao

junko 2024-07-11 07:51:46 #1720684306 [SHARE] [life, update, flip-phone, classic]
file: GS7UQDsaAAAFDaP.jpg [file/jpg]

got myself a flip phone... because why not :pp

i made a post about it [HERE], check it out!

junko 2024-07-08 04:22:01 #1720412521 [SHARE] [discord-post]
file: 3.95gpa.png [file/95gpa.png]

>results came in
<GPA: 3.95 (previously, 3.3)
lmao look at that fucking jump, i fucking choke 4 flat gpa 😭 whatever, i hope i can keep this up until final sem

Referencing #1706455502
Posted by junko at 2024-01-28 15:25:02

>3.28 GPA for something I couldn't care less about
damn thats actually decent. still gonna change my course

junko 2024-07-06 10:32:46 #1720261966 [SHARE] [anime, figurine, shop, life]
file: 4cIkK5Up.jpg [file/jpg]

>be today
>today is payday
>got my salary
<i spent it on nesos and figurines
so this is why adults have work, this is amazing...
money is... le-based.... sugoi even.

junko 2024-07-02 19:59:33 #1719950373 [SHARE] [life, work]
file: delete_m3.gif [file/gif]

honestly, i have all these knowledge but i never make people pay for it.

it feels really weird to charge people for something as simple as formatting windows and installing the usual office programs (around 20$).

do i just know too much (or too little, rather) or

is this just how the real world works like, you get pay for what you know (and exploit those who dont),

is my view on this is dark or what, i dont get it. maybe im just so accustomed to not receiving any kind of thanks or anything in return for helping people, who knows...

my boss been telling me that i need to charge people for everything i do, dont be nice to them, you get what you pay for kinda deal... alright ┐(´ー`)┌

junko 2024-06-30 11:44:39 #1719747879 [SHARE] [music, youtube, life]

i just got a job few days ago, it's nothing much but hey, it's a job :DDD
i worked as some fucking IT guy so there really isnt much to do lmao, feels like im cheating but computer just doesnt break as often nowadays...
also found a cool cover, check it out!!!

junko 2024-06-19 04:32:54 #1718771574 [SHARE] [programming, update]
file: 9970083.jpg [file/jpg]

can't believe that theres actually a cheater in the top #3 of osu!. i found [this thread] early on when it got posted but thought nothing of it (mostly cuz i dont care and i found it funny.) also,
>he got restricted

junko 2024-06-18 02:04:01 #1718676241 [SHARE] [programming, update]
file: tenor.gif [file/gif]

hey look, i made the site look a little bit cooler.
hope you liked it :DDD
also the index now has recent post preview!!

junko 2024-05-23 07:57:13 #1716451033 [SHARE] [discord-post]

I'm alive. Here's some cool remake I just found

junko 2024-05-16 19:33:47 #1715888027 [SHARE] [discord-post]

Got into a vehicle accident, I almost died lmao. A few deep bruises here and there but nothing serious. I am immortal.

junko 2024-05-10 07:09:40 #1715324980 [SHARE] [discord-post]
file: wtf.png [file/png]

what the fuck is this, fuck you past me

junko 2024-05-07 04:54:59 #1715057699 [SHARE] [discord-post]
file: lesson_learned.jpg [file/jpg]

In the end, I am alone after all. How ironic. "I lead people to their own happiness but I have yet to attain my own" type shit.

junko 2024-05-05 03:24:07 #1714879447 [SHARE] [discord-post]
file: miku.gif [file/gif]

today and yesterday was a crazy day. we chilled together for the weekend, spent time playing arcades, walked to fucking nowhere for hours, stopping by at 7e for quick break. then ended the night with movie session. it was fun, it truly is. thanks ryn, it was nice while it lasted, im sorry.

junko 2024-05-03 04:24:47 #1714710287 [SHARE] [discord-post]
file: tenor.gif [file/gif]

finally, i fixed the fucking thing, finally got time for myself to do whatever.

junko 2024-05-01 10:21:23 #1714558883 [SHARE] [discord-post]
file: garauak.jpg [file/jpg]

i'm improving big time

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