
a place where i let my thoughts out, may be NSFW.

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junko 2024-02-14 21:24:23 #1707945863 [SHARE] [discord-post]

Referencing #1707282982
Posted by junko at 2024-02-07 05:16:22

Referencing #1707110182
Posted by junko at 2024-02-05 05:16:22

started doing my request letter for program change, lots of paperwork. not fun.

finished doing the paperwork few days ago, i hope it went through.

it's all done, im in IT department now. wonder how it's gonna play out...

junko 2024-02-12 13:05:22 #1707743122 [SHARE] [programming, embeds, discord, spotify]

checkout these embeds I made for github.

isnt it cool

junko 2024-02-11 05:23:06 #1707628986 [SHARE] [discord-post]
file: RS1mUGS.png [file/png]

checkout my crappy linux rice lmao

junko 2024-02-10 10:32:14 #1707561134 [SHARE] [discord-post]
file: VoPc3xp.png [file/png]

>current generator is slow as shit slop written in python
<what if the same thing, but in compiled language 🤔
alright thats it im doing another rewrite for this website, you love to see it.

junko 2024-02-07 05:16:22 #1707282982 [SHARE] [discord-post]

Referencing #1707110182
Posted by junko at 2024-02-05 05:16:22

started doing my request letter for program change, lots of paperwork. not fun.

finished doing the paperwork few days ago, i hope it went through.

junko 2024-02-05 05:16:22 #1707110182 [SHARE] [discord-post]
file: steamsad.gif [file/gif]

started doing my request letter for program change, lots of paperwork. not fun.

junko 2024-01-28 15:25:02 #1706455502 [SHARE] [discord-post]
file: result.png [file/png]

>3.28 GPA for something I couldn't care less about
damn thats actually decent. still gonna change my course

junko 2024-01-21 02:52:16 #1705805536 [SHARE] [discord-post]
file: 1705792970635141.jpg [file/jpg]

>few more days until the exam's results comes out
im calling it now, its gonna be shit

junko 2024-01-08 01:19:16 #1704676756 [SHARE] [discord-post]

>a direct message from a friend
>"my pc like click link but there go nothing"
>"like usual"
what the fuck do you mean like usual and what the fuck does it mean, he's expecting me to know whats wrong with so little information, and then when asked he kept giving the most vague answer. Fuck me man, people wonder why I lost my patience so fast now and it's because of shit like this

junko 2024-01-06 01:59:54 #1704506394 [SHARE] [discord-post]
file: IMG_20240106_174437.png [file/png]

bought two cheap monitor (60hz and 100hz), life's great.

junko 2024-01-03 07:53:09 #1704268389 [SHARE] [discord-post]
file: tenor.gif [file/gif]

>had a breakdown
>broke my monitor in the process
fuck me dude, now i gotta wait for my new monitor to arrive

junko 2023-12-27 20:55:42 #1703710542 [SHARE] [music, youtube, cevio]

i didn't know joucho has her own cevio model... that's cool

junko 2023-12-23 05:37:34 #1703309854 [SHARE] [irl, anime, event, random]
file: cf.png [file/png]

Last year:

Referencing #1671362755
Posted by junko at 2022-12-18 11:25:55

my first time going to a anime convention, met my online friend. also i took a picture with hatsune miku racing. fun times.

This year's anime convention...
im not missing out
>im not missing out
im not missing out
>im not missing out
fucking exams man, wish i could go but i guess not for this year....

junko 2023-12-19 18:48:44 #1703011724 [SHARE] [life, random, regret]
file: sorasaki-hina-blue-archive.gif [file/gif]

been thinking about my course recently, i feel like i just made a major mistake. maybe taking electronic engineering wasnt a great idea after all. don't get me wrong, i like it, it's just that... stuff happened and people did me dirty and that really killed my passion for this field, i'm thinking of changing my course to software engineering and do it the easy way since that's what i'm most familiar with....

and, i'm not joking when i said people did me dirty, they really did, to the point where i had a emotional breakdown. which, says a lot cuz i'm a tough guy, edgylord-tier kinda, no emotion basically, so that's saying a lot.

for now, i just don't want to think about it....

junko 2023-12-19 13:18:30 #1702991910 [SHARE] [discord-post]
file: given-up.png [file/png]

>fully awake, not even a hint of tired.
>caffeine overdose
exam got me fucked up lmao

junko 2023-12-09 11:13:04 #1702120384 [SHARE] [music, spotify, aira]

spotify finally did their job and fixed [Aira's] spotify page.

found some other bangers made by them cuz of that.

junko 2023-12-05 10:46:40 #1701773200 [SHARE] [programming, c++, osu!, storyboard]
file: final.mp4 [file/mp4]

>friend kept asking me stuff about c++
<i dont know much about cpp, i only know a little bit of c
so yeah, i made a simple osu! storyboard player to get myself familiar with c/++.

source code is available [HERE], feel free to berate me.

junko 2023-11-28 16:08:47 #1701187727 [SHARE] [programming, vlang, drama]

Continuation of

Referencing #1700946181
Posted by junko at 2023-11-25 21:03:01

looking at V discord channel, seems like theres some kind of drama going on there.
kinda sad that 2 of the big guys left. almost feels like the language itself is about to die, i hope not.
the language is genuinely cool. while they overpromised lots of stuff, the language itself does work as a programming language and thats good enough for me.
seems like its not for other people, oh well.
praying for my man l-m over there at me.l-m.dev, he did a lot of work on the language's web assembly stuff recently :<<

>[Vlang or: How I learned even open-source communities...]
nvm, this is so silly wtf lol.

junko 2023-11-28 07:14:46 #1701155686 [SHARE] [irl, university, lecturer, random]

my fucking god, i hate this one lecturer of mine. motherfucker literally tells us shit at the last possible minute.

>hurr durr go make this [thing], its due in 2 weeks
>1 day later
>ok so i want the [thing] by tomorrow, this is very important for your grade.
???, then he has the fucking audacity to fucking compare us to the other classes which has literally 2 fucking weeks to work the thing with and be all like,
>MAN, this shit aint bussin yo wtf i expected more
>im disappointed
he pulled this crap on multiple things, like coursework, quizzes, exams and so on. its bullshit honestly.

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